When choosing a freight forwarder, it’s important to understand what you need from them. That said, there are some traits that all great freight forwarders share if you’re looking for a reliable shipping service, you’ve come to the right place. At ILI Express Online, we take pride in offering a top-notch shipping experience for our customers. We know that when it comes to shipping, you need a service that you can rely on.

That’s why the company offers a variety of shipping options to choose from, so you can find the perfect shipping solution for your needs. They also offer a wide range of tracking and reporting options to help you keep track of your shipments. And, if you ever have any questions or concerns, our customer service team is always here to help.

Types of Shipments Offered

Shipment is classified in different types for the simple understanding of various shipping companies who are looking to ship the goods. Thus, we know shipment doesn’t just mean transportation of goods through ship. But, it includes transportation of the goods through road, rail, air and ship. But it comes under different mode of the transport.

  • Rail Transport is the oldest form of transportation. This was introduced first in 18th century, and from then, it has become quite popular. It’s fast, more efficient and economical. They’re popular to various transport goods like hazardous goods, consumer goods, military cargos, special cargos, and more.
  • Road Transport is there since barter days. Even now, after years of generations, the road transportation is in fashion. It’s just because it is available easily, and quite economical too.
  • Air Transport was carried out first in 1910 carrying out over 200 pounds of the silk for opening of the store. In modern days today, air transport is highly used by the companies all across the world, and various shipping companies were the first to conquer the modern-day air cargo.
  • Sea Transport goes back when kingdoms carried out various trades traveling & transportation through ships. Even in the years before that, many things got changed. The type of traveling routes, ships, goods, and more have seen a huge change.

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